Las Cruces Federal Courthouse

Las Cruces Federal Courthouse

The Las Cruces Federal Courthouse is situated in the developed downtown area of Las Cruces near the new City Hall. The courthouse is a six-story building with eight courtrooms, basement and penthouse. It features a unique blast-proof design. Judges chambers utilize bulletproof glass and the prisoner’s holding cell for features specials security measures to prevent escape

City, State: Las Cruces, New Mexico
Total square footage: 96,000
Total construction cost: $36 Million
Construction Completion Date: March 2010
Owner/Developer: General Services Administration (GSA)
MESA contractors: Air Moving Equipment Company (SMACNA), Donner Plumbing and Heating (MCA)
New Mexico Unions: UA Local 412, SMW Local 49
Project Highlights
Largest courthouse in New Mexico

Las Cruces Federal Courthouse Las Cruces Federal Courthouse Las Cruces Federal Courthouse Las Cruces Federal Courthouse
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